Project Management Software For Video Production

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Project management software for video production helps streamline and coordinate this complex process. This tools that tailored specifically for video production can be incredibly helpful for organizing all of the tasks, resources, scheduling and communication needs of video projects. Video production involves bringing together various teams like directors, camera operators, editors, animation specialists and more to create a cohesive final product.

At its core, this type of software aims to provide project management and organization tools that are relevant for video production teams. They offer features for scheduling footage shots, tracking assets like raw footage files, assigning tasks to team members, setting deadlines, viewing project budgets and burn-down rates, collaborating in real time and automating common workflows. All of this helps video teams produce content more efficiently and with better results.

Instead of managing video projects through email threads and spreadsheets, purpose-built project management software for video production centralizes important information in one place. Team members can access tasks, schedules, communications and progress updates from a single dashboard, minimizing confusion and keeping the project on track from start to finish.

The main purpose of this article is to help video production teams understand the value of project management software for video production and choose the right solution for their needs. We’ll explore:

  • The key factors to consider in evaluating different project management software for video production. Things like task management, scheduling, resource allocation, collaboration and automation are crucial.
  • The major benefits a dedicated video production project management solution can provide. From visibility into the project status to streamlined communication to automated workflows and time/budget management.
  • Recommendations for some of the top project management software for video production currently available, based on features, ease of use and suitability for video teams.

By the end, you’ll have a good idea of whether investing in a video production project management tool could help your team work more efficiently. And if you decide to go that route, you’ll know what to look for in a software that’s a good fit for your specific workflow and goals.

That’s what we aim to provide here – clarity on the factors that differentiate effective project management software for video teams, as well as some leading options worth considering. Let’s get started!

Project Management Software For Video Production

Key Factors Of A Project Management Software For Video Production

The most important features to evaluate in project management software for video production revolve around its ability to:

Track Tasks And Deadlines

Being able to assign tasks to team members, attach important information like notes and attachments, and set due dates and reminders is table stakes for any project management software for video production. Without visibility into who is responsible for what and when things are due, it’s impossible to effectively manage a complex video project.

Integrated Scheduling

Most video productions require scheduling everything from footage shoots and voiceover recordings to editing timelines and animation assignments. Look for software with a built-in calendar and schedule builder that lets you visualize task dependencies, identify potential overlap issues and make changes on the fly.

Resource Management

Managing equipment, locations, raw footage, sound files and other resources is crucial for video teams. Software should provide tracking for all assets and resources, along with features like version control for footage files and reservation systems for equipment checkout.

Collaboration Features

Real-time communication and feedback are essential for video collaborators who may be working remotely. Ideal software includes chat/messaging, @mentions, comments, and project sharing to facilitate constant discussion and iteration.

Automation And Workflows

The more repetitive tasks the software can automate – whether that’s notifying stakeholders of deadlines, triggering approval processes, or handling common file conversions – the more time video teams can spend on creative work. Look for robust workflow capabilities.

We have been written about Project Management Tools For Virtual Assistants in another article.

Benefits Of Project Management Software For Video Production

The main benefits that project management software for video production provides include:

Organization And Visibility

Perhaps the largest benefit is simply having all relevant project information organized in one central place. Team members can instantly see task assignments, schedules, resource allocation, budgets and more. This level of visibility into the project status helps keep work on the right track.

Streamlined Communication

In-app chat features, comments and @mentions facilitate quick and effective communication between team members. Discussions happen in context of the relevant tasks, eliminating back-and-forth emails and messages. This streamlines clarifications, feedback and decision making throughout the project.

Automated Reporting

Automated reports on budgets, schedules and milestones give project managers and stakeholders real-time insight into the project’s health. Manual report generation is no longer needed, freeing up time for higher value work.

Time Tracking

Time tracking features allow team members to log work hours against tasks while project managers gain visibility into where time is being spent. This improves estimates for future projects and helps ensure projects stay within budgets.

We have been written about Time Tracking Project Management Tool in another article.

Budget Management

Tracking expenses at the task level enables better management of project budgets. Managers receive budget vs. actual reports to see if projects are over or under budget, so corrective actions can be taken along the way if needed.

We have been written about Project Management Tools For Students in another article.

Top Project Management Software For Video Production


Doitify allows video production teams to centralize all relevant project information onto a single platform. This includes project schedules, budgets, filming permits, raw footage files, client assets, and more. Having access to all pertinent details in one place simplifies management of complex video projects.

The software also provides features like Gantt charts and timelines that help teams visualize projects and track progress. Issues can be identified early before they impact deadlines. Team members can be assigned tasks and managers can set deadlines to keep work on schedule.

Communication tools within Doitify facilitate real-time collaboration between team members. Project status updates and important information can be shared immediately. Team chat, email, and file sharing are integrated directly into the software.

Doitify’s reporting and analytics functionality gives managers insight into project health. Metrics like budget burn-down rates, task completion percentages, and timeline variances help determine if projects are on the right track or corrective actions are needed.

Best For: Doitify is best for small to Large-sized businesses and remote teams. It is a cloud-based software that can be accessed from anywhere with an internet connection.

Platforms: as Web app for all platforms.

Doitify Pricing

  • Free plan: The free plan includes all features, but is limited to 5 members and 5 MB of space.
  • Premium plan: The premium plan costs $0.50 per month per member and includes unlimited space.

Doitify Features

  1. Global Quality: The ability to compete with the best foreign project management software.
  2. Free Plan: All features of the software are free, with the option to pay for additional storage and users.
  3. Remote Team Management: The ability to communicate and monitor the performance of remote employees.
  4. Different Management Systems: Support for Agile, Scrum, and other management systems.
  5. Online Time Tracking: The ability to track and save the online time of employees.
  6. Screen Sharing: The ability for admins to view the screens of working employees.
  7. Daily Work Reports: Daily reports of employee work for better team and project control.
  8. User Performance Tracking: The ability to track user performance in specific time periods.
  9. Advanced Subtasks: The ability to create advanced subtasks with start and end times.
  10. Quality Control: Consideration of quality control managers for subtasks.
  11. Dedicated Chat: Chat capabilities for each subtask.
  12. User Roles: The ability to assign roles and rules for users.
  13. Checklists: The ability to create checklists for each task and subtask.
  14. Subtask Status: The ability to set statuses for each subtask.
  15. Import/Export: The ability to import and export subtasks.
  16. Gantt Chart and Calendar: The inclusion of a Gantt chart and calendar in the free version.
  17. Language Support: Support for right-to-left languages such as Chinese.
  18. Regular Updates: Regular updates to add new features and improve functionality.


Asana is one of the most versatile project management software for video production options available. The tool was designed from the ground up for creative teams, so it offers many features that especially suit video production workflows.

For starters, Asana offers robust task management capabilities. Team members can easily create and assign tasks, record notes, attach files, and set due dates. The Kanban-style board view makes it easy to see what’s in progress, pending review or completed.

Team communication in Asana is also top-notch. In-line comments, @mentions and in-app chat keep video teams synchronized in real time without resorting to email. The ability to assign tasks directly from within chat messages streamlines collaboration even further.

Asana also shines when it comes to resource management, which is crucial for video projects. You can create custom “objects” to represent footage, sound files, graphics, equipment and more. Team members can then intuitively request access to these objects and track their status.

Best for: Medium to large teams who need a robust project management tool.

Platforms: web, iOS, and Android.

Asana Pricing

  • Free version available with limited features.
  • Paid plans start at $10.99 per user per month.

Asana Features

  • Project templates: Asana offers a variety of project templates that users can use to get started quickly. Templates are available for a variety of project types, such as product launches, marketing campaigns, and team onboarding.
  • Custom fields: Asana allows users to create custom fields for tasks and projects. This can be useful for tracking specific information, such as project budgets, client information, or project status.
  • Task dependencies: Asana allows users to create task dependencies, which means that one task cannot be completed until another task is finished. This can help ensure that tasks are completed in the correct order.
  • Forms: Asana offers a feature called Forms, which allows users to create custom forms to collect information from team members or stakeholders. Forms can be used for a variety of purposes, such as collecting feedback or submitting project requests.

Another excellent choice for project management software for video production is This tool offers many of the same benefits as Asana but with a few unique advantages of its own.

Chief among’s strengths is its powerful customization capabilities. Unlike other software programs with pre-defined templates and workflows, starts with a blank canvas. Video teams can build boards, forms, tables, charts and automations from scratch – tailored exactly to their specific processes.

This flexibility means can accommodate virtually any type of video production workflow. Want to track the progress of assets through various stages? Build custom statuses and automate approvals. Need to visualize a complex filming schedule? Create a Gantt chart view. Want to build custom template for art directors? You get the idea. The possibilities are limited only by your team’s creativity.

Communication in is also top-notch. In addition to chat and @mentions, the software includes a live collaboration feature called Editor so team members can edit documents simultaneously in real time. The built-in Timelines app provides a visual timeline view for any project.

Best for: Small to large teams who want a customizable project management tool with time tracking features.

Platforms: web, iOS, and Android. Pricing

  • Free trial available for 14 days.
  • Paid plans start at $8 per user per month. Features

  • Customizable projects and tasks: You can create projects and tasks and assign them to team members.
  • Time tracking: You can track the time spent on each task and see how much time is left before the deadline.
  • Progress tracking: You can track the progress of each task and see how it fits into the overall project.
  • Customizable workflows: You can create custom workflows that fit your specific needs.
  • Integrations: offers integrations with popular tools like Google Drive, Dropbox, and Slack.
  • Time tracking: You can track the time spent on each task and see how much time is left before the deadline.
  • Due dates: You can set due dates for each task and receive notifications when the deadline is approaching.
  • Customizable reminders: You can set up custom reminders to keep you on track and ensure that you meet your deadlines.
  • Time estimates: You can set time estimates for each task to help you stay on schedule.


Trello is a flexible project management software known for its intuitive visual interface and ease of use. These traits make it a popular choice for video production teams looking for a simple yet robust solution.

The main Trello interface centers around color-coded “boards” made up of “lists” and “cards.” Video teams can create boards for different projects, lists for key stages (Production, Post, Distribution), and cards for individual tasks, assets and team members.

What makes this interface so useful is how easily it translates to a visual representation of your video workflow. With drag-and-drop simplicity, team members can instantly see where everything stands – just by looking at the board. Tasks can be assigned directly from cards, files can be attached, due dates added, and checklists created.

However, because Trello’s focus is on simplicity above all else, it lacks some of the more advanced features offered by enterprise-grade options like Asana and Monday. But if visual simplicity, intuitive usability and “low friction” collaboration are high priorities for your team – especially in the early phases of video projects – Trello is definitely worth considering.

Best for: Small to medium-sized teams and freelancers who want a simple and easy-to-use project management tool.

Platforms: web, iOS, and Android.

Trello Pricing

  • Free version available with limited features.
  • Paid plans start at $9.99 per user per month.

Trello Features

  • Collaboration: Trello allows team members to collaborate on projects and see each other’s progress in real-time. Users can leave comments, add attachments, and mention other team members on cards to communicate more effectively.
  • Mobile app: Trello has a mobile app that allows users to manage their tasks and projects on-the-go. This can be particularly useful for remote teams or those who need to work outside of the office.
  • Integrations: Trello integrates with a variety of other tools and services, such as Google Drive, Dropbox, and Slack. This allows users to connect their Trello boards to other apps and automate certain tasks.
  • Power-Ups: Trello offers a variety of Power-Ups, which are add-ons that provide additional functionality to the platform. Some popular Power-Ups include calendar view, voting, and custom fields.
  • Security: Trello takes security seriously and offers features such as two-factor authentication, SSL encryption, and third-party security audits to ensure that user data is protected.


ClickUp is a capable project management software for video production that combines the visual simplicity of Trello with more robust features found in higher-end tools. In fact, ClickUp often refers to itself as a “Trello on steroids” – offering many of the same visual concepts but with significantly more power under the hood.

ClickUp workspaces also include features like Gantt charts, kanban boards, calendar view and heatmap calendar for scheduling shoots, editing timelines and more. Role-based permissions give managers full control over which team members see what.

On the collaboration front, ClickUp offers in-app chat, @mentions, and several options for commenting and discussions. Video content can even be uploaded directly to ClickUp for quick internal reviews.

All in all, ClickUp strikes a great balance for video teams. The visual simplicity and intuitiveness of Trello, combined with the more robust feature set of true enterprise software. This makes ClickUp a good fit for teams that value visual project management, but also need complexity and customization options for managing the various aspects of video production.

Best for: Small to large teams who want a customizable project management tool with time tracking features.

Platforms: web, iOS, and Android.

ClickUp Pricing

  • Free version available with limited features.
  • Paid plans start at $5 per user per month.

ClickUp Features

  • Customizable projects and tasks: You can create projects and tasks and assign them to team members.
  • Time tracking: You can track the time spent on each task and see how much time is left before the deadline.
  • Progress tracking: You can track the progress of each task and see how it fits into the overall project.
  • Customizable workflows: You can create custom workflows that fit your specific needs.
  • Integrations: ClickUp offers integrations with popular tools like Google Drive, Dropbox, and Slack.
  • Time tracking: You can track the time spent on each task and see how much time is left before the deadline.
  • Due dates: You can set due dates for each task and receive notifications when the deadline is approaching.
  • Customizable reminders: You can set up custom reminders to keep you on track and ensure that you meet your deadlines.
  • Time estimates: You can set time estimates for each task to help you stay on schedule.

We have been written about Free Project Management Tools in another article.


Hopefully this article has helped demonstrate the value project management software for video production can provide in terms of organizing complex workflows, streamlining communication, providing real-time visibility into project status, automating repetitive tasks and boosting efficiency.

While email and spreadsheets will always have some role to play, purpose-built solutions tailored to video teams offer functionality that goes far beyond traditional project management. This includes features like footage versioning, shot scheduling, asset tracking and more – all designed to align with the unique requirements of video content creation.

If your video production process feels like it could benefit from improved clarity, organization and efficiency, investing in the right project management software for video production is likely worthwhile. But choosing the right solution can be tricky – it will depend on your budget, desired level of flexibility, desired functionality and priorities around ease of use.


Why is project management software important for video production teams?

Project management software centralizes important information in one place, giving teams visibility into tasks, schedules, resources, budgets and communications. This organization and clarity help video projects stay on track and produce better results.

What are the key features to look for?

Task management, integrated scheduling, resource management, collaboration features and automation capabilities are most important. The software should handle all the various moving parts of video production in an organized, streamlined manner.

How can it improve efficiency?

By automating repetitive tasks, streamlining communication, providing real-time visibility into project status, automating reports and tracking time/budgets, project management software can boost the efficiency of video teams significantly.

What are the benefits?

Better organization, more effective collaboration, automated reporting, time tracking, budget management, and an ability to easily scale processes as projects and teams grow over time.

How does it differ from traditional project management tools?

Traditional PM software tends to be generic, lacking features tailored specifically for video production needs like shot scheduling, footage version control, asset tracking, etc. Purpose-built software for video teams includes functionality geared towards their unique workflow and requirements.

How do I choose the right software for my team?

Consider your priorities around flexibility, ease of use, budgets, scalability and desired functionality. Also evaluate the built-in features and customization options of different software to determine what will fit your specific video production workflow needs best.

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